Evaluate Your Relationship with Money

Studies show money is one of the biggest things we worry about. Losing our job or income, not being able to pay the bills, not saving enough for retirement, not being able to keep up with others financially are just a few of the fears we fret about. Some of these concerns are valid and money in itself is not bad. In fact, it can be a useful tool that can be used for good and blessing. It is the love of money that gets us into trouble. 

Ask God to search your heart to see if you have any unhealthy attachment to money and possessions. Then ask Him to reframe your perspective to be more generous and a better steward of all that He has given you. Ironically, you will most likely find more contentment, peace and joy when you start letting go of your dependence on money. 

Evaluate your relationship with money and see financial worries fall away on this “Not Gonna Worry” Wednesday.

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