Pray for Protection From Worry

Most often we pray for God to take our worries away after the worries have already formed. What if we made our prayers more proactive and prayed for God’s protection before worry has a chance to take root? 

If we truly understood God’s character, we would see Him as delivering us from or through our worrisome situations AND protecting us from worry all together. 

Look for imagery in scripture that speaks of God as your protector, such as in Psalm 91:4 where it says we can “find refuge under His wings.” Close your eyes and imagine being under the mighty wings of God. Take in the feelings of safety and security. You can also turn scripture into prayer for protection. For example you can pray, “God You are my refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) 

Pray for protection from worry on this “Not Gonna Worry” Wednesday.

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