Stay Useful to God

Worry tends to haunt us most when we are idle, idle in our thought-life, idle with our physical bodies and especially when we are idle in our spirituality. Therefore, remaining active in all of these areas will help keep worry at bay. 

Some ways to stay useful to God would be to first of all, stay close to Him. Pray often. Read the Bible. Be in tune to the Holy Spirit’s guidance throughout your day. Also, be aware of the needs around you. How can you join in to where God is already at work? Be willing to be flexible, to adjust your schedule to take your neighbor out for coffee or bring a meal to someone that is hurting, for example. 

It doesn’t matter your age, abilities or status, everyone can be useful to God. You just need to be willing and keep moving. Stay useful to God and crowd out your worries on this “Not Gonna Worry” Wednesday.

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